
Please see the schedule of sessions below

Click HERE to access your personal agenda.

Find the list of posters here. PDF agenda here.

Please note that all timings are in BST









10:00  to  14:00
12:30  to  14:00
Opening Remarks, introduction from the Irish ELIXIR Node, Preview - the ELIXIR Programme in 2024-28
14:00  to  14:45

The ELIXIR Director will welcome everyone to the 9th ELIXIR All Hands meeting, after which the head of the Irish ELIXIR Node will provide an introduction. 

Niklas Blomberg. ELIXIR.
Keynote talk: 35 years since Clustal1
14:45  to  15:30

Chair: Niklas Blomberg

Des Higgins. Emeritus Professor of Bioinformatics. University College Dublin.
Coffee Break
15:30  to  16:00
Cellular and Molecular Research
16:00  to  17:30


In this session, we will look at ELIXIR’s achievements to date on developing data-centric infrastructure in support of Cellular & Molecular Research, including our role in some recent breakthrough results and our approach to enabling the breakthroughs of the future.

Agenda can be found here.

Human Genomics and Translational Data 2024-28
16:00  to  17:30


Human data has been a priority area since the first Scientific Programme in 2014. The mission is to build and run a sustainable infrastructure for human genomics and translational data in Europe to support life science research and its translation into medicine. The vision to facilitate discoverability, access, reception, storage and analysis of genomics data linked to other data types at an unprecedented scale is ongoing.

Although progress has been made toward effective data management of virtual cohorts of genomics data from millions of human participants, neither the scientific nor medical communities are able to effectively use these data. Bridging the needs of research and healthcare, two sectors that have primarily developed infrastructure and solutions independently of one another, often using non-interoperable commercial software solutions, is also difficult. This must change in today's era of genomic medicine. 

Agenda can be found here.

Biodiversity, Food Security and Pathogens
16:00  to  17:30


We have been planning for the next ELIXIR Programme, due to start in January 2024, for nearly 2 years. One major outcome of those discussions is that we are planning to develop the areas of biodiversity, food security and pathogens, in a joint and coordinated way, across ELIXIR. We hope this will help optimise the investments we make in ELIXIR Services that enable these areas, but also position ELIXIR externally to engage with existing and potentially new partners (for instance from the world of climate change). We plan to use the upcoming ELIXIR All Hands, in Dublin (June 5th to 8th) to start to align our thinking around this topic, and we would like to start the discussions on how we engage with both internal (to ELIXIR) and external partners.

Agenda can be found here.

Social Event & Group Photo
17:30  to  18:30

The social networking meeting will take place in Convention Centre and nibbles and drinks are included.

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